You can read the Singapore Club Rules below.
1. Club Name, Organisation & Premises
- 1.1The name of the club is 67 Pall Mall Singapore (“the Club”).
- 1.2The Club is a proprietary club, owned and operated by 67 Pall Mall Singapore Ltd, Shaw Centre #26-04, 1 Scotts Road, Singapore 228208 (the “Proprietor” or the “Company”). 67 Pall Mall Singapore Ltd is a limited company owned by its shareholders.
- 1.3The Club’s premises are located at Penthouse, Shaw Centre #27-00, 1 Scotts Road, Singapore 228208, or such other premises as the Proprietor shall provide.
- 1.4The Proprietor is responsible for providing the Club with the Club premises and all necessary facilities for carrying on the Club in accordance with the Objects of the Club and these Rules and Regulations. Hereafter “The Rules” or “Club Rules”.
- 1.5The Rules shall be applicable to all Members, and as appropriate Members’ guests (“Guests”).
- 1.6The Proprietor shall create a Membership Committee (“the Committee”).
2. Objects
The objects of the Club are to provide facilities for its Members and Members’ Guests in a sociable environment together with the other advantages and facilities offered by the Club. Its prime motivation is the wish to provide a world class clubhouse, run on commercial principles for lovers of fine wine.
3. Composition of the Club
- 3.1The Club shall consist of:
- 3.1.1Ordinary Members
- 3.1.2Honorary Members
- 3.1.3Honorary Life Members
- 3.1.4Exempt Members
- 3.1.5Supernumerary Members
- 3.1.6Wine Professional Members
- 3.1.7Under 30 Members
- 3.1.8Under 35 Members
- 3.1.9Joint Members
Hereafter to be called “Members”. The Committee & the Proprietor may from time to time frame additional categories of membership or amend the conditions attaching to each category of membership. Any such addition or amendment shall be notified in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 26 below.
4. Description of the types of Members
- 4.1Reference in these Club Rules to Ordinary Members shall be interpreted, unless the context otherwise requires, to include Honorary, Honorary Life, Exempt, Supernumerary, Wine Professional, Under 30, Under 35 and any other categories
of membership that the Committee & the Proprietor may decide from time to time.
- 4.1.1Ordinary Members – Members, elected by ballot, who do not belong to any of the following special categories.
- 4.1.2Honorary Members – The Committee, or the Proprietor may appoint any person who in their opinion has rendered or will render conspicuous service or benefit to the Club to be an Honorary Member and any person so appointed shall not be required to pay any fee or subscription but shall in all other respects be an Ordinary Member. The Committee or the Proprietor may also extend this appointment to a distinguished personage from the world of wine or to a representative of an associated or affiliated club. A Member offered Honorary Membership shall not be entitled to a reimbursement of the proportionate part of the monthly subscription. Honorary Membership is granted for a period of two years from election. Upon expiry of such period each Honorary Member shall be re-elected bi-annually unless the Committee resolves not to re-elect such an Honorary Member. Honorary Membership is granted at the discretion of the Committee and may be terminated at any time.
- 4.1.3Honorary Life Members – This Membership Category carries the same rights and privileges as the Honorary Membership category, except that Honorary Life Members are not subject to re-election every two years by the Membership Committee whilst they (or their spouse/partner) retain a minimum shareholding (to be determined by the Board of 67 Pall Mall Singapore Ltd) in 67 Pall Mall Singapore Ltd.
- 4.1.4Exempt Members – A Member who has paid his/her monthly/annual subscription for a continuous period of 50 years shall become an Exempt Member, and shall be entitled to all privileges of membership for life without payment of any further monthly/annual subscription.
- 4.1.5Supernumerary Members – The Committee shall have power to invite Royal Personages, Ambassadors, High Commissioners, Heads of Missions, and Members of the Corps Diplomatique to be admitted as Supernumerary Members without ballot. The Committee shall have the power to waive the monthly/annual subscription for Supernumerary Members as it sees fit.
- 4.1.6Wine Professional Members – Only applicable for someone who works full time with their main revenue income is from the wine trade. eg. Sommelier, Wine Supplier. The monthly/annual subscription for this membership category shall be set by the Committee from time to time. Membership of this category shall be subject to an annual test, if the individual is considered by the Committee to no longer to be an active in the world of wine, then eligibility for this membership category lapses. The disenfranchised Member will be required to apply to the Membership Committee to have their membership category changed to Ordinary Member and to pay the standard monthly/annual membership fee or to resign.
- 4.1.7Under 30 Members – This Membership Category is for our younger members who are 30 years and under. Members in this Category are elected by ballot in the same manner as Ordinary Members, but the subscription shall be two thirds of the cost of the standard membership fee. Upon their 31st birthday, Members will be moved to the Under 35 Membership Category.
- 4.1.8Under 35 Members – This Membership Category is for our members who are aged 31 to 35 years. Members in this Category are elected by ballot in the same manner as Ordinary Members, but the subscription shall be three quarters of the cost of the standard membership fee. Upon their 36th birthday, Members will be moved to the Singapore Membership Category.
- 4.1.9Joint Members – This Membership Category is for romantic partners or spouse of any of the above categories (Primary Members). Joint Members will have to justify the same residential address in order to qualify for this category.
5. Asia Members, Overseas Members & Members travelling abroad
- 5.1Overseas Members – For existing members who because of unforeseen circumstances need to switch to this category, a proof of overseas residential address is mandatory in order to complete the transfer.
- 5.1.1Asia Members – Those members who are normally resident in Asia, but outside Singapore.
- 5.2Members abroad – If for unforeseen circumstances where the member is required to relocate permanently or for minimum of 6 months, may be able to apply for a refund of the current period’s subscription at the Committee’s full discretion with a minimum of one month’s notice. Members will be required to provide proof of their new residence.
- 5.3If a Member who was deemed to be permanently or temporarily abroad returns to reside in Singapore, he or she will be liable to resume the payment of their full subscription, in accordance with a scale determined from time to time by the Committee.
- 5.4Members who have relocated to another country where there is a local 67 Pall Mall, they will be required to transfer their membership to the respective Club.
6. Foreign Clubs & Temporary Hospitality
- 6.1The Committee may make arrangements with Clubs outside the 67 Pall Mall Group for reciprocal visitors’ privileges. Such arrangements shall restrict the use of the Club by a member of any such other Club to a total period of thirty days in any calendar year.
- 6.2The Committee may make arrangements with any Clubs registered by the Singapore Licensing Authorities in respect of premises in the locality of the Clubhouse for the temporary use of the Clubs by Members of the other Clubs, either generally or for any special purpose, and subject to such conditions as may be specified in the arrangements.
7. The Committee
The Composition of and the duties of the Committee shall be set by the Proprietor from time to time.
8. Election of Members
- 8.1The election of Members shall be vested in the Committee and candidates (“Candidates”) shall be elected by secret ballot if necessary.
- 8.2Candidates may be elected before their 18th year, but they may not make use of the Clubs’ facilities in their own right until they reach this age.
- 8.3A Candidate for election as an Ordinary Member may be proposed by one Member and seconded by another. A Candidate for election may also be proposed or seconded by an employee of the Proprietor.
- 8.4The Committee may ask the proposer to bring the Candidate to meet members of the Committee, and the Committee may request additional support or further information regarding the Candidate.
- 8.5No explanation shall be given should the Committee ask a proposer to withdraw his or her Candidate.
- 8.6The name of a Candidate who has been rejected shall not be considered again until a period of twelve months has elapsed; or at the discretion of the Proprietor.
- 8.7The Committee, subject to agreement between themselves and the Proprietor shall have sole discretion as to who shall be elected to become a Member of the Club and shall have the right to refuse any application for membership without requirement to explain the reason for such refusal.
9. Membership
- 9.1A successful candidate shall be notified of his/her election by email and shall become a Member of the Club, subject to payment of the joining fee, the three-month Membership deposit, and the provision of a Giro mandate which can be charged on a continuous basis for goods and services provided by the Club, and shall thereafter be entitled to all the benefits and privileges of membership, subject to the provisions of these Rules. For the avoidance of doubt, a newly elected Member will not be allowed to use the facilities of the Club until a continuous charging method is in place.
- 9.1.1Under 30 & Under 35 Members can opt for monthly payments, however a 3 month deposit will have to be collected along with a Giro mandate.
- 9.1.2Ordinary and Wine Pro Joining Fee & Annual Fee — Under certain circumstances, some exceptions may be made for Members remaining on monthly fee payments and therefore they shall be subject to the same rules as 9.1.1. This is up to Committee’s sole discretion.
- 9.2Newly elected Members will be issued with a Membership Card (physical or digital) which shall remain the property of the Club.
- 9.3Newly elected Members will be supplied with a copy of these Club Rules. All Members agree to be bound by, and to observe at all times, these Club Rules.
- 9.4Any omission from, or inaccuracy in, the particulars relating to, or the description of, any Candidate for Membership may render the Candidate’s election void at the discretion of the Committee.
- 9.5Without prejudice to its other rights set out in the Club Rules, the Committee and/or the Proprietor may terminate the membership of any Member whose monthly/annual membership fee and/or their Club Account, in respect of goods or services provided by the Club, is more than 30 days in arrears.
- 9.6The monthly/annual membership fee shall be fixed by the Committee & the Proprietor from time to time.
- 9.7Ordinary membership is non-transferable. Members may suspend their membership for a nominal fee determined by the Committee. Members will have to notify the Membership Team one month in advance, for a minimum suspension term of 3 months and a maximum of 1 year.
- 9.8The Members of the Club are under no financial liability by reason of their membership save in respect of: the monthly/annual membership fee and any monies due to the Club in respect of goods or services provided by the Club to them.
- 9.9The Membership Committee & the Proprietor reserve the right, in their absolute discretion, to terminate the membership of any Member for any reason and at any time.
- 9.10The name of a Member whose membership is terminated will be removed from the Membership List and he/she will immediately cease to be a member of the club and the provisions of Rules 9.11 and 12.3 will apply.
- 9.11A Member shall within 30 days of termination of his/her membership pay all outstanding monies still owing to the Club. In the event that any such outstanding monies are not paid within 30 days of termination these outstanding monies shall immediately be due and may be debited directly from the Member’s bank account or credit card or recovered by other due process. By accepting membership, all Members agree and acknowledge that outstanding monies may be collected in the manner set out in this Rule 9.12.
- 9.13In the event of membership being cancelled or withdrawn by the Membership Committee the Member shall immediately return his/her Membership Card if applicable. For members paying annual fees, the remaining portion of their annual fee will be refunded as will the three-month deposit in this case. No membership fee (or part thereof), or any other payment (except for any monies paid on account of specific services such as food, drink etc) made to the Club shall be refunded to the Member.
- 9.14Unless otherwise determined by the Club, Members shall be entitled to pay for goods or services provided by the Club with debit card or credit card at the time of purchase.
- 9.15Transaction details pursuant to Rule 9.13 above may only be obtained and queried for transactions that occurred no more than 60 days prior to the date of such a request. Any queries must be addressed to the Membership Office. After 60 days they will be treated as accurate and cannot be challenged or changed.
- 9.16Certain benefits, services and/or privileges offered to Members will require to be specifically booked or reserved and will be subject to availability. Members wishing to avail themselves of such benefits, services and/or privileges agree to be bound by any specific terms and conditions that may be applicable thereto as notified from time to time.
- 9.17All Members, on each visit to the Club shall before leaving the Club premises sign off or pay in full all charges incurred by him/her whether in respect of food, beverages, guests or any other matter or thing.
- 9.18If the initial invoice (inclusive of Membership and/or Joining Fee) is not paid by a newly elected Member within one calendar month from the date of his/her election, the Member’s election shall be void unless and until he/she satisfies the Committee that there was reasonable cause for the delay and makes good the default.
- 9.19The Proprietor may charge an additional 3% administration fee for collection of membership fees and charges and/or goods and services by any other means than by Giro.
- 9.20The Committee and/or the Proprietor may, at their discretion, waive or reduce the subscription of any member or former member.
- 9.21The current rates of subscription for membership shall be available from the Club’s Website.
- 9.22For the avoidance of doubt, the Members shall have no proprietary rights over the Club, its property or assets whatsoever (including but not limited to cash, stock, debtors, premises, name, Intellectual Property Rights, fixtures and fittings).
- 9.23The Club’s Privacy Notice, which is available at, sets out the terms on which the Club processes any personal data of Members (or their guests), or that Members (or their guests) provide to the Club or the Company.
10. Guests
- 10.1Subject to the provisions of these Rules, Members may invite as Guests persons who have attained the age of 18 years, but no Member may bring more than four Guests in any one day. The number of guests will be reviewed periodically in the light of usage, and may be amended at the discretion of the Proprietor. No person may be admitted as a Guest to the Club on more than 5 occasions, or at the Club’s discretion, in any one year. The Member must call the Concierge of the Club in advance should he/she wish to bring more than the above stated number of Guests. The Club, at its sole discretion, shall permit additional Guests from time to time.
- 10.2Provided that they are accompanied by the Member, Guests are entitled to the privileges of membership for that day but may not introduce any other guests into the Club.
- 10.3Members shall be responsible for their Guest’s unpaid expenses and their behaviour whilst at the club and for their observance of the Club Rules.
- 10.4The following may not be admitted as Guests to the Club:
- 10.4.1former Members who have been expelled;
- 10.4.2persons who, having applied for membership, have been rejected;
- 10.4.3members who are under suspension.
- 10.5In introducing Guests, Members should bear in mind the character and objects of the Club.
- 10.6No Guest shall remain in the Club after the Member introducing them has left the premises.
- 10.7The Club, at its sole discretion, shall permit non-members entry to the Club.
- 10.8All guests must be registered via the Registration Form at Reception before entering the premises. Guests may be declined entrance if they do not comply with their registration.
11. Conduct of Members
- 11.1The Committee, the Proprietor or any person(s) designated by the Committee or the Proprietor, shall have the right to refuse any Member (or their Guests) entrance to the Club.
- 11.2The Committee, the Proprietor or any person(s) designated by the Committee or the Proprietor, shall have the right to ask any Member (or their Guests) to leave the Club.
- 11.3No animals (except guide dogs) shall be allowed in the Club, except by prior permission of the Duty Manager, General Manager or the Proprietor.
- 11.4All Members and Guests are required to maintain an appropriate standard of dress in the Club at all times. Inappropriately dressed Members or their Guests will be asked to leave the Club. Whilst in the restaurant and Club Room, gentlemen are expected to wear smart trousers together with a sleeved shirt and closed-toe shoes. Short trousers are permitted at the weekend. Members and their Guests wearing formal national dress or uniform appropriate to their office are welcome. Ladies are expected to dress commensurately.
- 11.4.1Members and Guests are reminded that strong perfume or cologne should not be worn to the Club at any time, since it interferes with our primary activity: the appreciation of fine wine.
- 11.5By way of illustration of paragraph 11.4 the following items of dress are not considered acceptable in the Club:
- 11.5.1Active wear;
- 11.5.2Sports jerseys;
- 11.5.3Tracksuits or shell-suits;
- 11.5.4Ripped denim or fabric;
- 11.5.5Flip-flops or plimsolls;
- 11.5.6Caps and headgear, except for religious reasons;
- 11.5.7Micro mini skirts;
- 11.5.8Sleeveless shirts (for men);
- 11.5.9Open footwear (for men);
- 11.5.10Crocs and Birkenstocks;
- 11.5.11Shorts (except on weekends before 17:30);
- 11.5.12Hot pants (for ladies)
T-shirts and smart, clean trainers are considered acceptable, as are non-ripped jeans.
- 11.6Members shall be responsible for ensuring that their Guests are aware of the standard of dress that is required to be maintained in the Club.
- 11.7A Member or Guest shall not record, video or photograph through any medium, whilst in any of the public areas of the Club. Any violation of this rule shall result in an immediate expulsion.
The exceptions to this rule 11.7 shall be:
- 11.7.1If a member wishes to take photos of their own private events in the event spaces with the consent of the other Members (and their Guests).
- 11.7.2Members will be allowed to take photos of bottles or other inanimate objects in the Club as long as the privacy of other members is not compromised by this action. Any exception to this rule 11.7 needs to be specifically sanctioned by the Duty Manager or General Manager.
- 11.8No member or guest shall use the name or address, or colours, trademarks, photographs, logo or other identifying feature(s) of the Club in any (but not limited to); advertisement, marketing material, invitation, prospectus or letter heading for business purposes save with the prior written approval of the General Manager as to the specific use.
- 11.9No Member shall post any notice in the Club without the consent of the General Manager.
- 11.10No Member is to bring a bicycle into the Club.
- 11.11No Member shall attempt to induce any member of the Club’s staff to leave its employment.
- 11.12The Committee & the Proprietor may at their discretion require any Member infringing these Rules to leave the Club premises immediately and his or her membership may be withdrawn as detailed in Rule 12 below.
- 11.13Members are required to turn their mobile telephones and similar devices onto silent or vibrate only modes when in the Club. The use of mobile telephones, tablets, laptop computers and similar devices is explicitly allowed within the Club as long as Members do so discreetly and with appropriate understanding of the need for other members to be allowed to use their Club in peace. The Club requires that Members put Laptops and their equivalents away after 18:00.
- 11.14Members are welcome to conduct business in the Club.
12. Expulsion of Members
- 12.1The Committee, the Proprietor, or any Club manager/employee so authorised by the Committee or the Proprietor, may expel from the Club (and subsequently terminate or suspend from membership for a specific period) any Member whose conduct inside or outside the Club premises, in the opinion of the Committee, or a Club manager/employee, might be injurious to the character or interests of the Club or render him or her unfit to associate with Members. Similar strictures shall apply if any Member should wilfully remove, destroy or damage any item, article or property belonging to the Club, and/or another Member, or a guest, whilst at the Club.
- 12.2Before a Member has their membership terminated, the alleged conduct shall be inquired into by the Committee and/or the Proprietor and the person involved shall be given the opportunity to make explanation. Having inquired into the events, if the Committee or the Proprietor is of the opinion that the Member is guilty of such conduct as mentioned above and has failed to justify or explain it satisfactorily, the Committee or the Proprietor may either suspend or terminate the membership of the offender at its discretion.
- 12.3A Member whose membership is terminated for defaulting on payment of membership fees or club spending forfeits all the privileges of membership without claim for any refund of the membership fee that they have paid and must return their Membership Card to the Membership Office and the provisions of Rule 9.11 will apply. A Member whose membership is terminated forfeits all rights in respect of or claims upon the Club or its property.
- 12.4Nothing here shall prevent the Proprietor or the Committee from requesting a member to resign and if such a request is complied with within fourteen days, no resolution of expulsion shall be proposed.
13. Resignation
Members who are on annual fee payment intending to resign his/her membership of the Club prior to the date of his/her annual renewal will not receive a reimbursement of the proportionate part of the annual subscription.
Members who are still on monthly payments intending to resign his/her membership of the Club shall give a minimum of three months’ notice in writing to the Membership Manager. The three-month deposit will be applied to the final three months of membership fees for Members on a monthly schedule. Under unforeseen and extreme circumstances (i.e critical illness or death and with documents to justify), the Committee will refund the remaining portion of the unused fees.
14. Members’ Addresses
Every member shall notify the Membership Manager of any changes in their personal details (i.e: postal address, phone number, email address) to which communications from the Club may be sent to him or her.
15. Sale and Supply of Alcohol
Sale or supply of alcohol in the Club is permitted within the hours and conditions permitted under the Liquor License granted by the local authorities.
16. Hours of Opening
- 16.1The Clubhouse shall be open between the hours of 0730 and 0200 Monday to Sunday. These hours may be lengthened or shortened at the discretion of the Committee or the Proprietor, subject to any additional statutory or other consents.
- 16.2The Proprietor and/or the General Manager may determine that on certain days Members may not be admitted to the Club; these reasons including (but not limited to):
- 16.2.1Public Holidays
- 16.2.2Staff Holidays
- 16.2.3Private hire of the Club
- 16.2.4Redecoration
- 16.2.5A statutory reason for doing so or any other reason which justifies temporary closure
17. Reception
Reception will use all reasonable efforts to procure relevant bookings, reservations and/or other services requested by Members but the Club shall not be liable for any errors or cancellations, or for any losses that may otherwise be suffered by Members as a consequence of any arrangements made, or services provided by, or any acts or omissions of the reception staff.
18. Bookings
- 18.1All reservations for tables in the Club’s restaurant must be made via Reception, Concierge or via the Club’s website.
- 18.2Members are expected to uphold any table reservations made at the Club. In the event a Member makes up to five cancellations less than 48 hours’ notice and/or no shows within a rolling period of 30 days, the Management reserves the right to suspend the Member from making any table reservations for a period of 1 month. The Member may still walk in and utilise the Club and their membership without a reservation.
- 18.3All bookings for Club events or bookings of the events spaces must be made through the Events team.
- 18.4Reservations for Club events will only be taken from Members who have a valid continuous payment method in place. In the rare event of this not being the case, the reservation will only be made by agreement with the Proprietor or its employees.
- 18.5Refunds for events will be at the discretion of the Proprietor, the General Manager and/or the Membership and Events team. Usually at least 72 hours’ notice will be required AND the Club be able to resell the booking foregone.
19. General Rules
- 19.1All private information, matters or issues that are disclosed by Members to the Club are kept strictly confidential. The Club will not disclose any such information to any third party without the Member’s consent other than for the purposes of these Club Rules or where such disclosure is required by law.
- 19.2The Club has established a Privacy Policy in respect of the confidence its Members place in it and in conformity with high standards of data protection to which it is committed. The Club is registered to hold personal data under the Personal Data Protection Act. By becoming a Member it is acknowledged that any personal information that Members and/or their guests make available to the Club either through the membership process, access to the Club, and/or the Club web site or otherwise is done so voluntarily and with the relevant Member’s/guest’s knowledge and consent. A full copy of the Club’s Privacy Policy can be found at
- 19.3Members agree to keep all passwords, user names, and/or any other identifying information used on or in connection with the Club and/or its web site (the “Access Profile”) private and secure. The Access Profile is strictly personal and may not be shared with or disclosed to any other party. Members should understand that the Access Profile is confidential and that they will be held responsible for any transactions, loss, or damage caused through use of the Access Profile by any unauthorised person. The Access Profile will allow the Member to purchase goods and services via the Clubs’ website; Members are reminded to log-out at the end of a session and not to allow the password to their Access Profile to be stored on a public computer as a cookie.
- 19.4The Club takes Members’ rights to privacy very seriously. The Club employs the use of CCTV cameras and operates them within a strict Code of Practice. All CCTV Operators are qualified to operate within this Code of Practice and all relevant legislation. The system complies with the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Act and all other relevant legislation. Images recorded by the CCTV cameras are retained for a minimum of 31 days.
- 19.5Members’ rights to privacy extend to the use of social media, including (but not limited to) Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat & Linked-in. For the avoidance of doubt, the Proprietor and/or its delegates and employees may use such social media to promote the activities of the Club, but only in such a way that Members’ rights to privacy are not compromised.
- 19.6No Member shall use the name or address or logo of the Club in any advertisement, prospectus or letter heading for business purposes save with the written approval of the General Manager or the Proprietor.
- 19.7No drunkenness, bad language or other misconduct is permitted on the Club premises.
- 19.8The Club reserves the right to record all telephone conversations made to and from the Club’s telephone number(s).
- 19.9The Club and/or the Proprietor and/or The Membership Committee and/or any employee or agent of the Club will not be held liable for any act of omission by or the actions of any Member and/or Guest and will be held harmless from any loss or damage that arises to any Member and/or Guest whatsoever.
- 19.10All Members taking WSET qualifications with us must agree to the WSET terms and conditions as a condition of enrolment. These policies can viewed here.
20. Property
- 20.1No Member (or Guest) shall take away from the Club upon any pretext whatever any article which is the property of the Club.
- 20.2All property brought into the Club premises by any Member or his or her guest shall be at the sole risk of the person bringing such property onto the Club premises and neither the Proprietor, the Committee nor any employee or agent of the Club shall be liable for any loss or damage to any such article, howsoever occasioned. The exception to this rule 20.2 being wine which is stored as a Members’ Reserve and is insured under the Club’s policy.
- 20.3Overcoats, umbrellas, bags, parcels, brief cases and any other bulky item may be left with the Concierge, rather than being brought up to the Penthouse.
21. Food and beverage
No food or drink shall be consumed in the Club that has not been purchased from the Club, except in respect of wines upon which corkage has been paid (or waived) in accordance with 22 below.
22. Corkage
The Club encourages its Members to explore a diverse range of wines, as well as making use of the Members’ Reserve facilities. All pricing below is exclusive of GST.
- 22.1The Club will charge corkage on all wines that are not bought directly from the Club’s wine list(s) at a charge of $50 per 75cl bottle.
- 22.2For larger formats, the corkage will apply in multiples of 75cl, thus Magnums at $100, Double Magnums at $200 etc.
- 22.3For formats less than 75cl the corkage charge will be $25.
- 22.4The maximum corkage that a Member is allowed is ten bottles (or equivalent volume in other formats) with the exception of the events spaces, where such corkage charges will be by arrangement with the Membership and Events team and/or the General Manager.
23. Drugs and Illegal Substances
- 23.1Non-prescription drugs are not permitted in the Club at any time.
- 23.2Any Member or their Guest found in possession of any such substances will be removed from the Club and reported to the Police.
- 23.3Any Member found guilty of consuming or bringing illegal substances into the Club or whose Guest is found guilty of such acts, will have their membership terminated with immediate effect and the provisions of Rule 12.3 shall apply.
- 23.4We strongly discourage Members who intend to consume alcohol from driving to the Club.
24. Gaming
No illegal betting, wagering or games with dice (except for Backgammon for no stake) shall take place in the Club premises, nor shall any game of hazard or chance be played.
25. Complaints
- 25.1Any Member wishing to make a complaint shall so do by letter or email, addressed to the General Manager, who shall either deal with the matter; or, with the approval of the Proprietor report the matter to the Committee at its next meeting.
- 25.2A Member shall not personally reprimand a member of the Club staff.
26. Alteration of the Rules and Regulations
Subject to the agreement of the Proprietor, these Rules and Regulations, may be revoked, supplemented or altered by the Committee or the Proprietor at any time. For the avoidance of doubt, the decision of the Proprietor shall prevail in all matters, this principle is irrevocable. Any such revocation of, alteration or addition to the Rules shall be deemed to have been brought to the notice of Members provided that a copy of the rules is prominently displayed on the Club’s official website and upon the notices board in the Club.
Members attending other branches of 67 Pall Mall shall abide by the local rules enforced by that Club.
27. Dissolution
- 27.1The Club may be dissolved by the Proprietor at any time.
- 28.2In the event of the dissolution of the Club, any property or assets (including but not limited to cash, shares, premises, stock, debtors, membership fees, name, Intellectual Property rights, fixtures and fittings) belonging to the Company shall not be distributed to the Members if there is a surplus of assets over liabilities, but will be given or transferred to the Proprietor or any individual, company, party, organization or charity the Proprietor or its nominated persons decides upon.
28. Disputes
Any dispute or difference which may arise as to the meaning or interpretation of these Rules, will be determined by the Proprietor, whose decision is final and binding on all Members of the Club.
29. Interpretation
- 29.1The Club’s Privacy Notice, which is available at, sets out the terms on which the Club processes any personal data of Members (or their guests), or that Members (or their guests) provide to the Club or the Company.
- 29.2The Club respects the privacy of its Members and their guests and requires that each Member and their guests do the same. No Member, or their guests, shall disclose, publish, identify or discuss, in any form or any medium (including social media networks or any other platform), any event or matter relating to any other Member or their guests, or relating to any private or Member event held at or organised by the Club, or which was seen or heard in any part of the Club, without the express prior written consent of both the Club and the Member and any other individuals concerned.
- 29.3The headings in these Rules are for ease of reference only and are not to be taken into account in their interpretation.
- 29.4In these Rules the masculine shall include the feminine and the singular the plural and vice versa except where the context so requires.
- 29.5If any rule shall fail in law then it shall not mean that any other rules shall fail unless so prescribed by the courts.
- 29.6These Rules shall operate under Singaporean Law.